If you want more… let’s work together!
Doula Support within an hour or so of Portland, ME.
Birth Classes for homebirth / birth center families, held quarterly, in Portland, ME.
Birth Classes for Queer Families held quarterly, on Zoom.
One-on-one coaching calls and individualized support, on Zoom.
Thank you!
The Labor Road Map video is on its way to your inbox. Look for an email from fiona@fullstorybirth.com to watch the video.
Are you LGBTQ+ and expecting or TTC?
Get on the waitlist for The Queer Birth Class - a comprehensive, self-paced online childbirth education course made with queer families in mind! (Inclusive and expansive language is key to learning about birth while affirming your relationship and identity)
No commitment or payment required. This will just add your name to the list of folks who will hear more about it as it comes out!